More Health Benefits Of Sulfur
2. Organic Sulfur is not a drug or prescription medicine. It is actually a nutrient, or a food that the body can consume. People consuming Organic Sulfur Crystals may not get the flu as often because the crystals can help make the body resistant to viruses.
3. Organic Sulfur helps promote an increase in enzyme production within the glands in the body, which might substantially increase overall resistance to illness.
4. Organic Sulfur might promote increased flexibility in the tissues within the body and help to maintain healthy blood circulation.
5. Organic Sulfur might reduce muscle inflammation by promoting healing in the muscles and preventing them from becoming sore. Athletes, in particular, can benefit from this as the intake of additional OS has been reported to decrease recovery time.
6. Organic Sulfur might help to eliminate so-called "free radicals" in the body. Allergies to pollens and certain foods might be reduced or eliminated by its use.
7. Organic Sulfur promotes healthy, increased growth of hair and fingernails.
8. Organic Sulfur has been studied for possible anti-cancer effects. This is because the oxygenation of the cells and tissues can create an aerobic environment.
9. Organic Sulfur might help to prevent or reduce joint discomfort.
10. OS aids in healthy skin production and the reduction of "wrinkles". It is one of the main ingredients in moisturizing creams.
11. OS might help the body properly regulate hormone production that may lead to lower blood sugar levels.
12. OS can help to promote a healthy colon. Parasites living in the colon might be reduced or eliminated because they are unable to remain attached to the colon walls on which OS forms a smooth, resistant coating. Hatching worms might also be reduced, because they will have nothing to grab on to, and might be flushed out.
13. OS can help provide the body with material to manufacture new, healthy cells, on lung walls.
14. OS, because of its ability to make cell walls more permeable, might cause the body to rapidly release alcohol "hangover" toxins, removing them as waste from the body. The process might happen far more rapidly than it takes to recover from a hangover.
15. OS promotes proper blood circulation within the brain. Less pressure and discomfort result, reducing tendencies for headaches.
16. OS might help support normal blood glucose in the body.
17. OS helps alleviate PMS. Glandular production is enhanced by OS to have more "normal" levels of production. Acid levels, enzyme levels and hormonal levels can be more evenly balanced with OS. Cramps, headaches and nausea from the monthly cycle can be reduced or eliminated through its use.
18. OS might help to promote better kidney function. Water retention problems due to bad kidney function might be reduced or alleviated.
19. OS can help promote healthy eyes. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sulfur crystals in 4 ounces of water to use as eye drops.