"Very amazed, it's only been a little over a week since I started the organic sulfur and can see huge differences already. I try lots of supplements with hopes of feeling better and having more energy. But this has been a big winner with me. I stay exhausted, dry/brittle/won't grow hair, dry skin, trouble digesting food, bloated, etc. With in a few minutes of taking my first dose I could tell I felt a little more energized, only took 1/4 tsp. By the 2nd day my stomach had gone down a lot, I have always been a thin person but the last 10 years or so, my stomach stayed swelled about all the time and anytime I tried to eat it got way worse. Been having lots of food intolerance problems that started about 10-12 years ago, getting worse every year but it has even helped with that so far. Before when I would eat, stomach bloat, extreme sleepiness, inside of mouth and tongue would swell and tingle. I always avoided eating until bed time, that way I could sleep through most the symptoms. My skin seems so much better, way less dry, my enlarged pores shrunk, couple of small scars on my face look way more minimized now and my eyebrows got way darker in color, my hair is behaving and feels so much better. I started mixing some organic sulfur with distilled water and applying to my face, just to see if that would help even more. I just put the crystals in my mouth and chew them up and I think my teeth look whiter from it and feel stronger too. Very excited about this so far, hope it keeps helping =)" - Customer.
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